Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Soldiers Lonely Adventure.

The sky was like an old rag doll that was so dark grey it was if a spell had been cursed upon it. The uneven ground was lifeless and the bushes were now spiky dead sticks. I'm filled with anticipation, hunger and loneliness as my lifesaving pack weighs my aching back down. I crouch down acting as if I'm a camouflage chamelon scanning my predator. I'm on full alert listening to hear anything, but nothing comes.

The Fun Fair

The deafening, upbeat music overpowered the screams of the terrified people, but you could still hear the piercing sound of their laughter. The queues seemed infinite and the delicious aroma of hot dogs and popcorn fill the country air. Everywhere I wander I see candy floss like miniature pink clouds on sticks that settles in my mouth leaving me with guilt.
                          The illuminious roller coaster is like a highway swooping through the sky and sounds like a busy skateboard park as it glides in its rails. The colassal ferris wheel is like a sideways spinning top wrapped in its dazzling, radiant lights. I feel claustrophobic as familiar heads disappear underneath the mechanical wheel as I turn to leave for the night.

Monday, 23 March 2015

A Hole In The Rock

The wind was howling around me but I could faintly hear the sound of the exotic seabirds below. The waves were breaking as they hit the deadly rocks. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and in front of me I could see the blue horizon with a cloudy infinite sky above. I noticed a tiny sailboat way out in the ocean. My hand grabbed a slippery, sharp rock and I cringed in pain. I wonder what the reward is on this life changing experience.